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Aggregation Analysis of Cohesive Self-propelled Brownian Particles

Priyojit Das
UT-ORNL Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology, University of Tennessee

This page shows visualizations of the aggregation of the self-propelled Brownian particles (SPBP) with different velocities at different mixing ratios.

In this project, a three-dimensional system of cohesive self-propelled Brownian particles (SPBP) with different velocities at different mixing ratios has been used to study the aggregation dynamics of the binary mixture of the active particles using molecular dynamics simulation. To introduce different activities into the system, the intrinsic swimming speed of a group of particles (selected randomly) is set to a higher value (labeled ‘fast’), and the swimming speed of the rest of the particles is set to a lower value (labeled ‘slow’). From the simulation result, we observe self-aggregation of the SPBPs at different level of system activities. Also, the extent of aggregation defined by the normalized mean contact energy and aggregate size distribution have been found to be negatively correlated with the number of fast active particles present in the system.

Interactive Structures

fast 100%
fast 75% slow 25%
fast 50% slow 50%
fast 25% slow 75%
slow 100%
free floating

Color Legend:

  • red = fast active particles having constant terminal speed 0.8
  • blue = slow active particles having constant terminal speed 0.3
  • green = free floating particles having constant terminal speed 0.0

posted: March 2020.
updated: March 2020.