MSE 614: Modeling & Simulation in Materials Science & Engineering: Classical Mechanics
In the spring semester of 2024, graduate students from several departments and programs at the University of Tennessee took a course in Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation offered by Professor David Keffer. As part of their final project, the students identified a system of interest to them, formulated a problem statement and investigated it using MD simulation implemented in LAMMPS (with a couple exceptions for GROMACS). The project had three deliverables: (1) a written report, (2) a poster presented during an in-class poster session and (3) an interactive webpage featuring a structure or animation from their simulation. This page presents some photos from the poster session component of the final project.
The poster session featured two competitions. The first competition was based on the votes cast by the students registered in MSE 614. The second competition was based on the votes cast by public visitors, which included faculty, students and industrial partners of UTK.
The results of the Student-Vote Competition are as follows.

First Place (Enrolled Student Vote): Mohsen Samandari (MSE)

Second Place (Enrolled Student Vote): Mohamed Abdelaty (Chem)

Third Place (Enrolled Student Vote): Damilola Ojedeji (CBE)
The results of the Public-Vote Competition are as follows.

First Place (Public Vote): Sarah Godfrey (MSE)

Second Place (Public Vote): Esther Oluwasanmi (Chem)

Third Place (Public Vote): Mohamed Abdelaty (Chem)
All of the posters demonstrated the hard work that students put into the project during the semester.

Bright Daniel (Chem)

Claude de Lamater-Brotherton (Bredesen)

Augusta Igbudugbu (CBE)

Danni Li (CEE)

Katie Loughlin (MSE)

Brody Quebedeaux (Chem)

Utham Suresh (Chem)

Yuan Yuan (Food Science)
posted: May, 2024.
updated: May, 2024.