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Phase Separation Kinetics in Ni0.5-Ag0.5

Abhijeet Dhakane
Bredesen Center, University of Tennessee

This page shows visualizations of phase separation kinetics in Ni-Ag alloy.

Classical simulations were performed to investigate the phase separtion kinetics in the Ni0.5-Ag0.5 alloy. Using the fundamental material science concepts.1 Following interative simulations represents, the cross-section of Sphere configuration of the Ni-Ag alloy at various temperatures where the thin layer at the outer(blue) where the Ag atoms alligned, red represents the Ni atoms.

Interactive Structures

Color Legend:

  • Blue = Ag atoms at surface
  • Red = Ni atoms


1.Allaire, Ryan H., et al. "Surface, Interface, and Temperature Effects on the Phase Separation and Nanoparticle Self Assembly of Bi-Metallic Ni0. 5Ag0. 5: A Molecular Dynamics Study." Nanomaterials 9.7 (2019): 1040.

posted: Apr 2020.
updated: Apr 2020.